

The Micro Church Network exists in order to enable the leaders of Micro Churches to be able to do what they are called to without being bogged down by the weight that is now associated with establishing and running a church. Because of their flexible and organic nature, micro churches struggle with the level of complexity, structure, number of systems, excessive governance oversight and compliance that is required to operate. However, what must be acknowledged is that all churches, no matter the size, require some form of spiritual, governential and compliance oversight as well as adhering to all government guidelines for religious organisations. Therefore, while they may be small and without paid staff, Micro Churches are expected to operate with governance consistent with current regulations.

The role of the Micro Church Network therefore is to give oversight and provide the level of compliance and structure in order for these initiatives to remain viable, flexible, organic and responsive to their mission to reach a people, place or purpose.



Brett Mitchell

Brett was born in Charlton, Victoria and spent his formative years growing up in East Brighton; Colac; and Box Hill South (Melbourne). He gave his heart to God at age thirteen and became a fully devoted follower of Jesus at 17 years of age joining Crossway (formerly, Blackburn Baptist Church). He is married to Michelle (1986) and they have three grown children; Keshia, Jemmah and Jarrod.
Following a call to full-time Christian Ministry he was trained as a Student Pastor, studying at the Melbourne School of Theology (formerly, the Bible College of Victoria) and Eastern College of Australia (Formerly, Tabor). He served as youth Pastor (Blackburn Baptist 1989-1994; Diamond Valley Baptist (1994-1998); an Associate at Crossway Baptist (1998-2007); and planted North Church Craigieburn (2007-2019). Brett is presently serving with the BUV as a Church planting Consultant.




Micro Church Network is an initiative of the Baptist Union of Victoria.