Equipping, encouraging and empowering leaders to develop different types of churches.
What is a
Micro Church?
“A Micro Church is defined as an intentionally simple, streamlined approach to church that’s often small, volunteer led and informal in style. Typically these spiritual communities involve five to forty people.
They meet regularly for the purpose of worship (up), building and growing people (in) and reaching people who do not know Jesus (out). In addition Micro Churches have at their core a willingness to multiply leaders and communities”

What is THE
Micro Church NETWORK?
The Micro Church Network seeks to develop a relational network of likeminded leaders and communities across the state of Victoria who are pioneering, establishing, leading, or nurturing different types of churches, faith, or missional communities who we call “micro churches”.

As a network of people we gather on a regular basis both online and in person to connect resource each other and for inspiration from others who are also leading, planting and multiplying micro church initiatives.